Johnny Depp in Final Talks for ‘Alice in Wonderland 2’

Alice in Wonderland made an obscene amount of money back in 2010. Now Johnny Depp, whose last two films were both box-office disappointments- those being The Lone Ranger and Dark Shadows- is looking to get some more of that sweet, sweet Alice money. According to Deadline, the actor is in final talks to star in Alice in Wonderland 2. But while Depp may be back, Tim Burton isn’t. James Bobin, director of The Muppets (along with its upcoming sequel) will be taking Burton’s place in the director’s chair.

This announcement isn’t exactly a huge surprise. The sequel had already been confirmed a while back, as any film that makes over $1B is all but guaranteed to churn out a sequel at some point (Titanic being the only exception, along with a few films at the end of a respective series- Harry Potter, The Dark Knight Rises, etc). So this announcement just turns something we’ve all been expecting into something concrete. Expect Depp to be rolling in it once again- with Alice, but also with the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 5, which sees the actor returning to another lucrative role.

Adam Bellotto: