Shot by Shot with the ‘IT: Chapter Two’ Trailer

The Losers Club is back -- and they're all grown up.

In what is by far the most nightmare-inducing sequence of clips in the trailer, a child and a grown-up Bill (James McAvoy) have a terrifying encounter with Pennywise in a Fun House. Also, notice how the entrance to the Fun House is similar to the demon clown’s mouth. That’s rather fitting considering people who enter there will be eaten.

This scene depicts a red balloon floating by the window of a mental institution. One of the patients in the hospital is an adult Henry Bowers (Teach Grant), who you will remember bullied the Losers’ Club before becoming a servant of Pennywise in the 2017 film.

In this scene, we get a first glimpse of the house which serves as the gateway to Pennywise’s underground lair.

Whenever the red ballons appear, it can only mean danger is nearby.

Welcome back to the pit of death.

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Kieran Fisher: Kieran is a Contributor to the website you're currently reading. He also loves the movie Varsity Blues.