How ‘Rogue One’ Should Have Ended

Not satisfied with the theatrical conclusion? Here’s an alternative.

This is going to be a brief post, and a first for me, as the video I’m about to share with you I haven’t actually seen, but it was recommended to me by my editor, so I have every faith it’s worth your while.

The reason I haven’t seen it is because this video deals with the hypothetical of how Rogue One should have ended. I haven’t seen Rogue One yet – I live in the Tundra, long story – but I am eagerly awaiting the home release and have somehow managed to hear nothing of the film’s actual end, despite my job and everyone I ever talk to, so I certainly don’t want to spoil it now with a hypothetical.

But you don’t have that problem, or likely you wouldn’t have clicked here, and really, I think the concept serves as introduction enough: From the How It Should Have Ended YouTube channel, take a look at how Rogue One should have ended.

H. Perry Horton: Novelist, Screenwriter, Video Essayist