Harry Potter and the Book of Spells

Every Spell, from Every Movie, in Alphabetical Order.

I am not a Harry Potter fan. I’ve seen a couple of the early movies, but I’ve never read word one of any of the books, not out of any sort of prejudice, only because I was 20 when the first one came out and thus, naturally I think, more concerned with getting people to buy me beer than with the adventures of a British boy wizard.

I do, however, have a tremendous amount of respect for the franchise, both as a feat of literature for the way it attracted children by the millions back to the nearly lost art of reading, and for the film franchise as well for satisfying a very loyal and expectant fan base by staying true to the source material. So in a nutshell then, I’m not a Harry Potter fan but I get why there are so many, and why they’re so fervent in their fandom.

In that spirit then, I wanted to share the following extensive supercut from Davide Rapp, who runs the channel My VCR is not Dead over on YouTube, in which every single spell Harry Potter or any in his universe ever speaks in any of the eight films have been arranged alphabetically, forming, ostensibly, a complete book of spells for fans of the Potterverse. It’s a must-watch if you fall into that category, and even if you don’t it’s a reminder of the exhaustive detail J.K. Rowling put into this world, which helped to make it among the most vibrant in all of fiction and filmdom.

H. Perry Horton: Novelist, Screenwriter, Video Essayist