Galifianakis Might Fall Off a Wall for ‘Shrek’ Spin-Off

When I interviewed Zach Galifianakis over the summer it was about two weeks before The Hangover kicked everyone’s head, force-fed us all Floor-ies, and took over the damned comedy planet.

Turns out, that can be good for one’s career.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Galfianakis (who seems to be rocking the cast lists lately) is in talks yet again for a major flick – this time to do the voice of Humpty Dumpty for Puss In Boots. It’s essentially a prequel to the Shrek films (which are still coming down the pipeline) to tell the story of the swashbuckling pussy in his days before teaming up with that big green, Scottish-sounding monster.

Antonio Banderas will be too sexy in it, Salam Hayek will too sexy in it, and, possibly, Galifianakis will be way too sexy in it.

And if you were wondering, here’s a quick list of projects he’ll be appearing in soon:

  1. Youth in Revolt
  2. Up in the Air
  3. Due Date
  4. It’s Kind of a Funny Story
  5. Little Fish, Strange Pond (which played here at Austin Film Festival)
  6. Visioneers
  7. The Hangover 2 (which is a long way off, but he’s already signed on)

What do you think? Really? Care to explain yourself, young lady?

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.