Exclusive: Bryan Cranston Joins Nicolas Winding Refn’s ‘Drive’

Nicolas Winding Refn is gearing up for his first big Hollywood experience. The auteur is currently working on Drive with Ryan Gosling, but now he’s added another actor to the mix: Bryan Cranston. When I talked to Refn recently about his excellent new film Valhalla Rising the conversation led off with him talking about casting sessions, and that’s where Refn said Cranston had joined the cast of his upcoming “love story” (as he described it).

Similar to Breaking Bad fans and fans of Cranston in general, Refn is a great admirer, “We signed Bryan Cranston. I wanted him and I got him. He’s my favorite actor around.” Since I was eager to jump into Valhalla Rising, I didn’t followup about who he’d be playing like I should have. Still, this is excellent news for both Refn and Cranston fans alike.

And if you’re not quite sure what Drive is, it’s about a stuntman by day who’s also a getaway driver by night. Many have labeled it as an action movie, but Refn says it’s going to be more of a love story that has action as well.

More from Nicolas Winding Refn when we publish the full interview.

Jack Giroux: Longtime FSR contributor Jack Giroux likes movies. He thinks they're swell.