Eat, Pray, Love Trailer: Speaks To The Woman Inside Us All

It’s been ten years since Julia Roberts starred in a bona fide hit, both commercially and critically. What has she been up to since Erin Brockovich? Lots of supporting roles, a few misguided star vehicles, and three kids… but now it looks like Roberts is ready to get back into the game 100% with a film featuring her front and center as the sole lead character.

Eat, Pray, Love is based on the best-selling memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert about one woman’s year-long journey around the world and into her soul. Or something. The whole thing seems a little full of itself, but what the hell do I know. The film version is directed by Ryan Murphy, creator of Nip/Tuck, and represents his second attempt at making a film based on a nonfiction bestseller. His first, Running With Scissors, was a mediocre flick based on the (ridiculously untrue) memoir by Augusten Burroughs, so here’s hoping the second time’s the charm. Check out the trailer here.

Some nice scenery there I guess, and I’ve always been a fan of Roberts… but my overall opinion on this is meh. That said, I hope it does well. (And I actually expect it to do quite well.)

The official synopsis is below.

By the time Elizabeth Gilbert turned thirty she had everything an educated, ambitious American woman was supposed to want – a husband, a house, a successful career. But instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, she was consumed with panic, grief, and confusion. She went through a divorce, a crushing depression, another failed love, and the eradication of everything she ever thought she was supposed to be. To recover from all this, Gilbert took a radical step. In order to give herself the time and space to find out who she really was and what she really wanted, she got rid of her belongings, quit her job, and undertook a yearlong journey around the world – all alone. Eat, Pray, Love is the absorbing chronicle of that year. Her aim was to visit three places where she could examine one aspect of her own nature set against the backdrop of a culture that has traditionally done that one thing very well. In Rome, she studied the art of pleasure, learning to speak Italian and gaining the twenty-three happiest pounds of her life. India was for the art of devotion, and with the help of a native guru and a surprisingly wise cowboy from Texas, she embarked on four uninterrupted months of spiritual exploration. In Bali, she studied the art of balance between worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence. She became the pupil of an elderly medicine man and also fell in love the best way – unexpectedly.”

Eat, Pray, Love hits theaters on August 13th.

What do you think of the trailer? Your mom will probably like it.

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.