Duo Behind Bloody Valentine 3D ‘Saw What You Did’

Look kids! It's a remake of the Steve Zahn/Paul Walker vehicle Joyride! Not really. I just wanted to make a pun.

More remake news that isn’t totally disheartening…

The creative pair behind this year’s My Bloody Valentine 3D remake have set their sights on another old horror film.  I Saw What You Did And I Know Who You Are is a 1965 thriller from famed director William Castle.  The plot is pretty much summed up right there in the title, but I’ll elaborate anyway.  Two girls entertain themselves by making prank phone calls to strangers.  Until they call someone who actually did something… and who knows who they are.  If you’re thinking Joyride already mined this plot for all it’s worth you’re probably correct.

The new remake deserves a chance though if only for the people involved.  Patrick Lussier and Todd Farmer are the director and writer (respectively) of MBV3D, and while that film suffered from some major deficiencies (like solid dialogue and a smart storyline) it also featured some innovative kills, a sense of humor, and a completely nude woman running around on-screen for several minutes.  So expect the two girls to have a hot lesbian encounter before the killer comes a knocking.  (Feel free to write that in Mr. Farmer.)

The picture will be produced under Joel Silver’s Dark Castle shingle which also spawned the highly entertaining Thirteen Ghosts, House On Haunted Hill, and Ghost Ship.  Of course, they also made Gothika, The Reaping, and House Of Wax so this could really swing either way…

Did you think this post’s title referred to I Know What You Did Last Summer?

Rob Hunter: Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.