DC Rejects! Go Buy a Ticket to Our Tugg Screening of ‘Sinister’ Right Now

I get it. You’ve just emerged from your half-hour long Metro ride only to be bothered by those Jews for Jesus pamphleteers and the Hooverville set up at Farragut North, so you just want to sit down at your desk with a bagel and get to work. No sweat. I can respect that.

But it’s not like you’re going to fix the economy today or anything so why not surf around on our site, check out some short films or something, and go buy a ticket for our Tugg screening of Sinister – the new horror film from Scott Derrickson starring Ethan Hawke? We still need a few more confirmed seats before it’s a definite, and you can be the one to make it happen. If enough tickets are sold, it’ll take place Tuesday evening at the Regal Gallery Place Stadium 4 – which means you can snag a nice Legal Sea Foods dinner before and go bowling after. Plus, if you buy two tickets, when your date asks what the occasion is, you can suavely say. “Because it’s Tuesday.” Everyone loves that.

Need more convincing? Check out the trailer:

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.