Daft Punk Causes Writer to Suddenly Care About Tron 2

Go ahead and smack me. Call me a tool or whatever. Until today, I could have given two monkey queefs about Tron 2.0. But, the latest news on this almost-three-decades-too-late Disney sequel has me ready to give up them queefs.

Go ahead and smack me. Call me a tool or whatever. Until today, I could have given two monkey queefs about Tron 2.0. But, the latest news on this almost-three-decades-too-late Disney sequel has me ready to give up them queefs.

Daft Punk has officially signed on to score the film, according to Upcoming Film Scores.

Three words come to mind: Holy Fucking Shit. Disney Gets It.

Ok, that’s 3+3 words. I have the right to suck at math if Disney can suck at spelling (Tr2n? That’s the gheyest promotional spelling ever. How the hell are you even supposed to pronounce that?) But, yeah, it appears Disney knows exactly what a Reject like me, a child of the ’80s who thought the original Tron was the height of digital wicked, would want from a Tron sequel.

Daft Punk has one foot stuck in the post-Kraftwerk early electro era and the other firmly planted in the future. They embody the (now retro) futuristic aesthetic of the 1982 film more perfectly than just about any mainstream act I can think of. They are the perfect choice to score Tron 2.

I would’ve never thought of it myself, largely because I’d never dreamed that Disney could be this sharp. I mean, we’re talking the studio that brought us The Haunted Mansion. Clearly, the Mouse House is letting the freaks run the show.

Side Note: While you’re waiting for more Tron 2 teaser footage, why not bask in the glory of some Daft-fueled technicolor sci-fi goodness?

J.L. Sosa: