Calm Down: Postcards from Narnia’s ‘Dawn Treader’

Calm Down: Postcards from Narnia’s ‘Dawn Treader’

After two films, I have just about no energy or excitement for this franchise because of how forced everything felt. In the first movie when they charged and yelled that they were doing it for Aslan, I yawned and waited for the credits. The second was a bit better, and since the third is set on a boat, I have to assume that the inclusion of nautical themed knit afghans.

It’s a recession. You think we can afford pashmina?

Well we can’t. But we can afford to check out these pictures from the set of The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

You can click on those for a slightly bigger version, or head over to Coming Soon for the giant versions.

I have to admit that the production design looks beautiful. I haven’t read the books so I have no reference point, but it seems as though the story gets going when two of the young children and their cousin get sucked into a painting of a ship, so it’s back to Narnia for them once again. Which is frustrating, because they keep going back, and great because Britain is really dull and rainy.

I’m also not sure that the novel includes the older siblings in any real way, but someone can correct me there if I’m wrong. If I’m not, it looks like the franchise will be including them anyway because, hey, why not?

On a personal note, I have a helm just like that here at Reject HQ. I’m convinced that it helps me write, but Neil claims that zero words come out of the computer when I’m spinning it around.

He is obviously wrong. Because I wrote this entire post with it and completely avoided smashing our office into a nearby iceberg.

What do you think?

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.