‘Buck Rogers!’ In Space! In 3D! With…Paul W.S. Anderson…

Imagine this: you’re a pilot. You get knocked out. You come to in the future, and…you’re being manhandled by the guy who directed Event Horizon.

Let’s not mince words – Paul W.S. Anderson is not what you’d call a talented director. He, for the most part, has churned out sub-par action flicks that barely register on any level of enjoyability.

Fortunately for us all, he’s still working and has just signed on for a sweet new gig directing a film version of Buck Rogers – the spaceman who was first launched in the 1920s.

Deadline New York is reporting that the Resident Evil/Mortal Combat/Death Race director will be taking his critical eye to the film, directing from a script written by Art Marcum and Matt Holloway. The two young writers wrote the draft of Iron Man before Ostby and Fergus’ final, and the two have writing credits for Punisher: War Zone.

None of this is all that exciting, although Anderson does know how to put together an action sequence every once in a while.

Stay tuned for news of what role Milla Jovovich will be playing.

What do you think?

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.