‘Book of Blood’ Clip Attempts to Sell Us A House

So I can’t say I know really anything about Book of Blood other than it’s not being directed by Clive Barker although it’s being advertised as Clive Barker’s Book of Blood because he wrote the book (but not the screenplay adaptation) and is a producer on the flick.

We saw a trailer for it just a little while ago since we’re older than 18, and it didn’t exactly thrill, although the concept looks really fantastic. Apparently there’s a house somewhere that is at the crossroads of a lot of spiritual pathways, and if you have a certain gift, you can listen to the stories of the dead. I have a feeling that the dead are not going to be satisfied just sharing their memories by the fireside.

Luckily, we have this new clip from the film to help illuminate a bit for us – mostly what the inside of a house looks like (this is the coolest virtual realty tour I’ve seen) and how to throw a girl in her underwear against a ceiling.

Haunted house? Check. Girl in her underwear cast about the rafters? Check. Has this movie covered enough 70s and 80s horror tropes yet?

What do you think? Interested in the property if the price is right? I’m pretty sure the current owners have to sell because they bought stock in Fannie Mae. It’s not like there’s a demonic presence or anything.

Seriously. I need to sell this damned thing.

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.