Rob Hunter

Rob Hunter has been writing for Film School Rejects since before you were born, which is weird seeing as he's so damn young. He's our Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor and lists 'Broadcast News' as his favorite film of all time. Feel free to say hi if you see him on Twitter @FakeRobHunter.

‘The Karate Kid’ Remake Waxes On With Jaden Smith

By Rob Hunter 

The oft-rumored remake of The Karate Kid is back on track with a writer, producers, and a new star attached.

TV Review: Californication 2.7 – In a Lonely Place

By Rob Hunter 

Hank and Karen attend a parent-teacher conference at Becca’s high school. Hank hits it off with the English teacher, Mrs. Patterson, only to discover that this latest possible conquest is also the mother of Becca’s boyfriend Damien.

TV Review: Entourage 5.10 – Seth Green Day

By Rob Hunter 

Vince gets humiliated on the set of Smokejumpers with a shrinking number of lines and a passive-aggressive director. Eric gets humiliated by Seth Green while trying to close a deal for another client.

Unnecessary Remake: Chris Rock Brings ‘Death at a Funeral’ To America

By Rob Hunter 

Chris Rock is writing and starring in a remake of the 2007 British comedy, Death at a Funeral. A film that came out just last year, was directed by an American (Frank Oz), had pretty good exposure here in the US, and is already in English.

‘Oldboy’ Remake May Be In the Hands of Steven Spielberg and Will Smith

By Rob Hunter 

Steven Spielberg is apparently in the process of acquiring the remake rights for Dreamworks, in the hopes of directing the film with Will Smith as the star.

Stallone, Statham, and Li Are ‘The Expendables’

By Rob Hunter 

Stallone? Check. Statham? Check. Jet Li? Keep your fingers crossed for the best casting news of your blood-soaked day.

Indie Spotlight: Red

By Rob Hunter 

Brian Cox delivers a strong performance in this low-budget revenge film, but it stumbles on production value.

Who’s Up For ‘A Good Old Fashioned Orgy’ With Leslie Bibb?

By Rob Hunter 

Sure the title is suggestive, but can the movie live up to it?

MySpace Meets J-Horror in Hideo Nakata’s ‘Chatroom’

By Rob Hunter 

Is there anything scarier than a social networking site’s chat room? There is? Well, don’t tell Hideo Nakata that.