‘A Case of You’ Trailer: Peter Dinklage Serves Up Mocha Lattes and Catty Remarks

I’ll be honest with you, folks. A Case of You doesn’t seem like it has a lot going for it. It’s got a basic romantic/indie comedy setup, and (as our own Caitlin Hughes pointed out), it holds hard and fast to the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype that’s been so badly overworked these past few years.

A Case of You has a pretty basic setup. Justing Long is fast approaching the time where all his friends are getting married, and yet he’s hopelessly alone. But then the Rom-Com gods grant him a love interest in the form of Evan Rachel Wood. Not wanting to screw things up, he begins stalking her on Facebook, using every page, activity and lifestyle choice she’s “liked” to craft himself into her perfect man. As you can probably guess, something goes horribly awry and then Long must save his last shot at love (or something like that, anyway).

But here’s what A Case of You does have: Peter Dinklage. With a mustache. Playing a sassy barista. What more could you possibly ask for? Witness his mustachioed glory in the trailer below:

The film does, however, have a bit of a meta-twist in that Long is writing a novel about his wooing of Wood, and that those reading the novel find his character “pathetic” and “beyond lost.” And of course, the aforementioned Dinklage facial hair. Beyond that, though, A Case of You doesn’t seem to offer any great revelations.

A Case of You will hit theaters, VOD, and itunes all on November 6.

Adam Bellotto: