The 50 Best Shots of 2018

The best movies, shows, music videos, and more of 2018 get the One Perfect Shot treatment.
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5. The Good Place: “Janet(s)”

Cinematography by David J. Miller

Directed by Morgan Sackett

4. It’s Always Sunny Philadelphia: “Mac Finds His Pride”

Cinematography by John Tanzer

Directed by Todd Biermann

3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Animated by Dean Gordon and Patrick O’Keefe

Directed by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman

2. Black Panther

Cinematography by Rachel Morrison

Directed by Ryan Coogler

1. Mission: Impossible — Fallout

Cinematography by Rob Hardy

Directed by Christopher McQuarrie

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One Perfect Shot: Articles from the One Perfect Shot archives, written by committee or guests.