12 Astonishing Fan-Made Posters for ‘X-Men: First Class’

Since the most recent character posters for X-Men: First Class were so abominably bad, we decided to sponsor a little contest to see which of our design-minded readers could do better. The bar was low, but everyone went far above and beyond the call of duty, and the result was a squad of really great posters.

Some went with Saul Bass inspiration, others played off the comic books, one found inspiration in The Social Network, one changed the director (see above), and still others chose to go their own way entirely.

Sadly, no one chose to improve on the floating head in crotch concept.

That’ll be a new contest entirely, but without further ado, here’s the winner (who will receive a 1999 lithograph recreation of the first “X-Men” cover done by comic artist/legend Alex Ross) and a gallery of some especially great runners up:

Our winner, Jeffrey Zhang, submitted two posters that were killer in their retro goodness:

I really love the Saul Bass look and the brilliantly subtle reference to Magneto’s past. A really deserving design.

In no particular order, here are the best runners up (some of which didn’t come in before the deadline and couldn’t be considered for the contest or happened to be from Reject Radio guest Ben Domenech and therefore were eloquently disqualified):

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  1. Luke R.
  2. Hector P.
  3. Ben Domenech
  4. Anthony B. whose work can be found at Kre-a’tiv Design
  5. Drew from Philadelphia
  6. Jason F.
  7. Mike D.
  8. Rob L.
  9. and 10. Dane F. whose work can be found at Genosha Design

We were flooded with great posters, and we’d like to thank everyone that entered the contest. There’s some truly bright talent out there (which makes the official posters even sadder).

Stay tuned for our Characters With Their Heads in Their Crotches Poster Contest coming soon!

Which is your favorite?

Scott Beggs: Movie stuff at VanityFair, Thrillist, IndieWire, Film School Rejects, and The Broken Projector Podcast@brokenprojector | Writing short stories at Adventitious.