‘Olympus Has Fallen’ Gang Will Explode Most of England in ‘London Has Fallen’

By  · Published on October 29th, 2013

When it comes to sequels, bigger is usually better, but one of this year’s “White House gets partially exploded” films is getting a sequel that appears to have skipped over this golden rule when it comes to its title. The follow-up to Olympus Has Fallen will be called London Has Fallen. Now, London might be far smaller and less majestically-Greek than Olympus, but the sequel’s title does come with a distinct advantage. The words “Olympus Has Fallen have a tenuous connection at best with the idea of terrorists placing bombs in the White House and cackling maniacally whereas London Has Fallen is probably a far better description of what will happen in the actual film.

But it seems so much vague titling didn’t stop Olympus Has Fallen from raking in heaps of cash at the box office, enough to both greenlight a sequel and bring all the same stars on board for round two. Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett, and Radha Mitchell have all been confirmed (by ScreenDaily) to return, but director Antoine Fuqua will apparently be passing the head-shot baton to an as-of-yet undeclared replacement. The story will see Messrs. Butler, Eckhart, and Freeman attending the funeral of the British Prime Minister when a band of terrorists begin running amok in London, forcing the trio to spring into action and and perform daring acts of bad guy-shooting. London Has Fallen will begin filming in London on May 5, 2014.