Experience Sundance 2012: Lackluster Movies, Overeating, and Even More Hip-Hop

By  · Published on January 27th, 2012

After throwing our annual bloggerati condo party (mainly so we can all watch MacGruber together) last night, my day got switched around a bit so I could get some much needed sleep (Festival Lesson #45: There is no point in getting up early for a screening you will end up just sleeping through) making my first screening of the day, Shadow Dancer.

After helping clean up the condo a bit (the place still smells like beer, but we went through about three cases of the stuff last night so what can you do?) Eric D. Snider, William Goss, and I headed out to the screening in Snider’s car, which is truly a luxury when it means you don’t have to run for a shuttle. While I thought Shadow Dancer was a decent enough film, it was just that – decent. Clive Owen and Andrea Riseborough turned in good performances under sharp direction from James Marsh, but it left me lukewarm.

I grabbed some food (the Yarrow makes mac & cheese with jalapenos and bacon – I am addicted) and did some writing with MSN Movies’ and The Playlist’s James Rocchi before heading into my first film at the Yarrow, I Am Not A Hipster. The film attempts to show how Brook (Dominic Bogart) is not a hipster, he is just incredibly sad. This conceit almost works, but did not quite hit home playing out more like an excuse than a decent reason for Brook’s behavior.

I headed back to the condo to pick up Kate and we grabbed a cab up to Deer Valley to have dinner (a real meal!) with Heidi and Gerhard Narholz from the Sonoton music library. Dinner was lovely and did you know pumpkin crème brulee exists? And is delicious? Because it does, and it is.

When we got back to the condo, Raffi Asdourian and Ben Pearson were just getting back from the Hit RECord at the Movies performance tonight and their reviews were less than favorable, but Raffi’s reenactment of the show (particularly the moment when Joseph Gordon-Levitt asked for audience members to come up on stage and sing with him) is pretty much the best thing I’ve seen all day.

I am currently trying to get caught up on some work while Rudie Obias and Raffi are both playing music on their Android and iPhones (respectively) and are batting around the idea of starting an app only band called “Anroid vs. iOs5.” They have now moved on to their own version of a remix battle on their computers and I’m not sure when DJ Raffi is hitting the New York club scene, but New Yorkers, keep an ear out for him.

The morning started with a group of us sitting around working before heading out to our respective screenings and the day ends as The Film Stage (Jordan Raup, Dan Mecca, and Raffi) along with Rudie get ready to film a video blog about V/H/S which we all saw last night. As you can see, we writers live a glamourous (and sleepless) life.

Tomorrow: Jesse and Celeste Forever, Twenty-Eight Hotel Rooms and The End of Love. Oh, and some writing. A lot of writing.

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Snuggle up with the rest of our Sundance 2012 coverage

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