‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ Trailer Leaves a Little More to the Imagination

By  · Published on September 19th, 2013

The official trailer for Abdellatif Kechiche’s Blue is the Warmest Color does two things that the international trailer did not: it get rids of the dialogue altogether to eliminate the pesky English subtitle problem, and it seems to have bumped down the risque content to make it pretty decently suitable for work, an impressive feat for an NC-17 film.

Blue is the adaptation of Julie Maroh’s graphic novel about a young woman (Adele Exarchopoulos) trying to navigate life and her sexuality after meeting a blue-haired art student (Lea Seydoux). Set to the tune of Beach House’s “Take Care,” the trailer is all meaningful glances and tear-brimmed eyes as it seems we look in on the intimate moments of their relationship.

Check out the trailer for yourself here:

At a nearly three-hour run time and apparently full of back-to-back, lengthy explicit sex scenes (as our own Shawn Munro talks about in his review from Cannes), it seems that Kechiche intended to earn that NC-17 rating. So why release a trailer that gives none of that away?

Blue is the Warmest Color is in theaters October 25th.