
Shot by Shot with the ‘Underwater’ Trailer

‘Underwater’ isolates its heroes from society and pits them against a school of mer-monsters. No complaints here.
Underwater Shot by Shot
20th Century Fox
By  · Published on August 20th, 2019

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While Athie and Henwick are edited to appear like Miller is quite the lovable jokester, Vincent Cassel is there to represent the rest of us. As Captain of the crew, he’s had enough of the mundane hijinks. The glasses come off, the nose gets pinched, and the head drops to chin. If Alien and The Thing are our barometers for the horror that occurs, this Captain may not make it to the end, but we’re going to enjoy whatever time we have with him.

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The record scratches, the rig rocks, and the lights within a long cavern of corridors flicker out. The disturbance gives Norah pause, halting her dental routine. A sign on the wall reads, “Work safe, Keep Alert.” Being ever vigilant is not enough in this case, as some scenarios are impossible to train against. A deep, resonant hum reverberates around her.

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From his command center, John Gallagher Jr. takes notice. I appreciate his attempt to stay on the sunny side of life with that Hawaiian shirt, but the man has to clean up his desktop. Should he worry about that rumble? He closes his eyes, turns a few dials, and listens intently. One of his monitors fritzes out. Uh-oh.

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Norah throws on her Pontus Endeavors jacket and steps out into the corridors to investigate. The metal around her stretches and creaks. Above her, water begins to leak upon her.

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You should never look up whenever a mysterious liquid trickles from above. Guys, consider its origin from the safety of shelter. Norah doesn’t have that kind of time, however. A few droplets of ocean sprinkle upon her, and her concern is quickly met with disaster.

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The laboratory shatters and water comes rushing inside. Whatever they’ve been drilling out of the Earth responds to their tampering with deadly force. The crew runs screaming, but at seven miles below the surface of the ocean, there is nowhere to run. Duck and cover and prayer are their only options.

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Brad Gullickson is a Weekly Columnist for Film School Rejects and Senior Curator for One Perfect Shot. When not rambling about movies here, he's rambling about comics as the co-host of Comic Book Couples Counseling. Hunt him down on Twitter: @MouthDork. (He/Him)