31 Days of Horror Lists

31 Days of Horror Lists is a yearly celebration of two things we love very much here at FSR: horror movies and making lists.

Every October, a group of contributors who call themselves The Boo Crew take on the challenge of creating 31 fresh list prompts, releasing one every day of the month. The only rule: no repeats, ever.

Explore the 31 Days of Horror Archive Below

Horror Movie Doomed Teenagers

10 Fun Horror Movies With Doomed Youngsters


Some of these kids probably deserved it. You know we’re right.

Horror Movie Taboo

10 Great Horror Films That Embraced Taboo


One, two, Taboo’s coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door. Five, six, grab your crucifix. Not you, Regan.

Eco Horror

10 Environmentally Eerie Eco-Horrors


Because there’s nothing scarier than the way we’ve messed up the planet.

horror movie Needle Drop

10 Greatest Horror Movie Needle Drops


Nothing sets the mood — even if it’s a scary one — like the perfect song choice.

Korean Horror

10 Best Korean Horror Movies


While South Korea is primarily known for producing kick-ass action/revenge movies, what this list presupposes is… maybe they also make fantastic horror films?

Horror Objects

10 Horror Movie Objects That Will F*cking Kill You


From beds with a thirst for blood to deadly gym equipment, these are our favorite objects that moonlighted as the killer.

Jump Scared

10 Jolting Jump Scares That Don’t Feel Cheap


Not all jump scares are created equal. We’ve sussed out ten of the best.

Horror Posters

10 Horror Posters That Are Seared Into Our Brains


Whether it’s plastered on a VHS box or in a cinema’s lobby, these are our favorite pieces of key art to go gaga over.

Horror Franchises

10 Most Consistently Good Horror Franchises


Imagine thinking the 23 movies that make up ‘The Amityville Horror’ franchise would make the cut here.