Shot by Shot with the ‘Rambo: Last Blood’ Trailer

Sylvester Stallone returns to one of his most well-known roles in the fifth installment of the Rambo franchise.

Rambo Last Bood Trailer

Although some fans were confused by Rambo’s cowboy apparel, he is apparently now living on his father’s old farm, which explains the attire.

Despite the peaceful setting, Rambo demonstrates quiet energy.

As he stares at his reflection in the mirror, he seems to be grappling with something difficult. He appears to be making some kind of decision.

“All these years, I’ve kept my secrets. But the time has come to face my past.”

Rambo’s PTSD has always been a prominent theme throughout the franchise. The previous three films have had him revisiting war zones across the globe, where he is forced to relive his experiences in Vietnam. This film takes place closer to home, like the first installment, which addressed his attempts at reintegration into American society. The introduction of this trailer makes it look like he has succeeded in this to some degree, so what is it that draws him back into violence and bloodshed? Well, what kind of Rambo movie would it be without those things?

It looks like he has taken his lucky machete down off the wall to whet its edge. Rambo is back, folks.

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Samantha Olthof: A politer reciter, a Canadian writer. Hiking with my puppy is my happy place.