
Shot by Shot with the ‘No Time To Die’ Trailer

Bond. James Bond. Does anyone remember this old man?
No Time to Die James Bond
United Artists Releasing
By  · Published on December 4th, 2019

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We hear MI-6 chief, M (Ralph Fiennes), announce, “The world is arming faster than we can respond.” Two masked goons scale down the side of a skyscraper and kick their way inside.

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A mysterious blurry figure enters a clean room while an explosion erupts around the hallway.

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M, looking frazzled with his sleeves rolled up, asks, “Where’s 007?”

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Bond is licking his wounds in Jamaica. As a boy raised on the gloomy moors of England, he likes to spend his time in the tropics as much as possible.

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Bond is retired. He’s retreated from the life, attempting to wallow in seclusion. He’s going to drink Heinekens and stare into the sun until he goes blind, or until a proper excuse to cease his moping presents itself.

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CIA Agent Felix LeiterĀ (Jeffrey Wright) tracks down his pal from across the pond and asks him for a favor. He’s lost a scientist, and Bond is the only one he can trust. More likely, he can’t stand to see a cohort pickling his liver in bars designed for tourists. You know the drill. When it comes to badasses, it’s better to die on your feet than exist forever on a bight, warm beach.

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Brad Gullickson is a Weekly Columnist for Film School Rejects and Senior Curator for One Perfect Shot. When not rambling about movies here, he's rambling about comics as the co-host of Comic Book Couples Counseling. Hunt him down on Twitter: @MouthDork. (He/Him)